Therapeutic Massage, Reflexology, Hot Stone Massage, Quantum Biofeedback, Energy Balancing, Iridology, Aromatherapy, and Vibrational Remedies
Nationally Certified Massage Therapist Quantum Biofeedback Practitioner Certified Natural Health Practioner Nutritional Consultant Master Herbologist Certified Iridologist Currently working on her Doctorate in Naturopathy |
Janet Len, C.N.H.P., N.C., M.H., C.I., NCTMB., O. A. Quantum Biofeedback therapist, Homeopathic student, has been a student of the healing arts for over 35 years. Currently enrolled in a Phd program for Naturopathy with Trinity. a Certified Natural Health Professional, studied under and completed the internship with Dr. Bernard Jensen. Nutritional Consultant under Dr. Eugene Watkins, Certified Iridologist with the North American Institute of Iridology and Related Health Sciences, Master Herbologist from Emerson School of Herbology. A Nationally Certified Massage therapist teaching Reflexology, Hot Stone, Shiatsu, Bach Flowers, Herbology and Nutrition. Her latest passion is with Energetic Medicine, which Dr. Oz has been quoted to say is the future.
An alternative to needles, Quantum Biofeedback is a non-invasive therapeutic technology that energetically scans and harmonizes the body’s stresses and imbalances, and returns your body back to health by reducing the stressors that cause disease. Excess stress is the pathway to disease. Computers can perform 400 million calculations a second. In just one test over 65 million bits of data are attained from the client and their reaction to over 9000 compounds. The electrical factors of the body include voltage, amperage, capacitance, inductance, frequency and from these calculations much can be surmised. The reaction of the body to nosodes, isodes, allersodes, sarcodes, classic homeopathics, herbals, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, hormones, bacteria, fungi, parasites, muscles, vertebrae, organs, blood and much more.
Janet Len
15635 West 12 Mile Rd., Suite 110
Southfield, MI 48076
Phone: (248) 379-1610
Email: [email protected]